Thursday, February 6, 2014

Money, Vehicles and other Mysteries

While it is definitely true that God has been providing for us every step of the way, I was telling my Memaw the other day how lately any time we get an unexpected financial gift, my first thought is to thank the Lord for that provision and my second is to ask Him what is coming. Haha!!! The last couple of months it seems like every time we get a large gift, we end up with a large expenditure.

When we left Texas we received three different gifts of $100 each. Wouldn't you know that in New Mexico we had a blow out on the trailer and couldn't put off new tires any longer. We replaced three tires for $95 each. :)
We have had a few experiences like that. We almost always receive the money first and then something happens. I am not complaining, it has been interesting! And we are always provided for!

So yesterday- what a day. It started in the middle of the night when Evan was up sleep walking and thought the floor in their room was the restroom...then Zoey woke up cold and Chase realized we had run out of propane (we hadn't been using the heater here.) He also realized there was a puddle of pee on the floor and scrubbed the carpet. He went back to bed for a couple of hours and then got up to go buy propane.
After he got back he got ready to go drop info packets to churches and pastors, hopped on his bike and was on his way.
We got up, Evan showered and we did some school work before we headed to Memaw's house.

Right before we left I got an email from a college gal pal that lives not too far away but just far enough that I was having a hard time getting together with her. She asked if Chase was up for a job with her husband the next morning. He needed some help with his work and would pay $200! Immediately I told her that Chase would be all over it. I thanked the Lord mentally and then asked Him, "What's up, Lord??? Something is coming..." :)

So sidenote...The night before we had spent at the Gatlin's house for dinner. It was so much fun! During our time there we shared the weird things each of our Expeditions were doing and the fact that we were trying to baby ours for a few more months until tax return time when we could find something that pulls better and will last longer. We have the feeling that our fabulous Expedition is on that downhill slope where we will just be making more and more repairs.

I share that to say that on the drive to Memaw and Pepaw's, Tucker (our Expedition) was acting more strange than usual. It is normal anymore for it to beep randomly (sometimes constantly) and have all the dash lights blink at you simultaneously. It is also normal lately that the blinker does this weird very loud growly, yell-at-you thing when you use it and may or may not actually signal on the outside. (Between the beeping and the growling, I commented to Chase that Tucker is an angry vehicle. Ha!)

What is not normal is for the "ABS" light to come on and stay on.
I made it to my grandparent's house and called Chase to ask him what that ABS light meant and whether it was the new normal. (Haha!) He was on his bike on the other side of the Valley so I wanted to be sure to pick him up if I needed to. He said to turn off the car then restart to see if the light stayed on. I turned it off and there was no more car. Just blinking lights and clicking.
The battery was dead. Dead dead dead. We knew the harness needed to be replaced so Chase rode his bike over to the Ford dealership and ordered it. It is the only place where we can get that part and wouldn't be in until the next day so...then Chase rode his bike all the way to Palm Springs. On the ride, he came around a corner to find the sidewalk being watered and his bike went down and him on it. He was fine, just now sopping wet and being lectured by a random woman who prattled on and on about the fine policemen, paramedics and firemen they have here, (and in NY-just remember 9/11) should he need their assistance. Seriously. She went on forever.

While Chase got lectured about our civil service workers, (and to be clear we totally love our civil service workers!) I was reading his health report that came in the mail from his life insurance company. Honestly, it totally freaked me out. We have some serious health issues looming if we do not get ahold of them now. Granted I am pregnant and emotional but we also have lost both his Grandpa's fairly early and it was already worrying me. This was just confirmation that we REALLY need to make some changes. I may have freaked out on him over the phone. Because you know, that really helps on already crazy stressful days. :P

My wet, battered Husband got to the house and tried to get the car to start again but nothing. Long story short, we had the battery charged but found it had no problems. The harness is not connecting lots of stuff I don't understand but it also appears now we have a problem with the starter.
So the question came up how we were going to get back to the trailer for the night and then how Chase was going to get to this paying job first thing in the morning. ????

My grandparents very graciously changed their schedule and let us use their van for the night and this morning! They are too sweet! And it is too handy that they have a van that seats us and then some!
It annoys me to no end that we have seemingly vehicle trouble every single time we come visit. It is rather humiliating. But on the other hand, maybe it is that way on Purpose, because they are able to help us get it sorted out? I don't know. Honestly I don't like it though. Like I said, it is humiliating and I hate having to depend on their help when it happens. I am sure there is some sort of lesson in there somewhere but I don't know what it is...Yet. ;) Perspective, anyone?

So anyways, here we are. Chase is at work, the kids are doing school and when Chase gets back we will go pick up the parts for our car, (which by the way will probably total $200! LOL!) and pray pray pray it fixes the problems. If not...I just don't know, I am sure it will work out one way or another! It always does. He is good and is so amazing to provide for us at every bump in the road. He always does. And sometimes it comes before we need it and lets us prep ourselves. That is pretty gracious, isn't it??? I think so.
